Wooldalewoodcarvers is an enthusiastic and friendly wood carving club, meeting in a relaxed atmosphere every second Saturday in the month, from 10.00am to 3.00pm at : Wooldale Community Centre near Holmfirth.
We actively welcome new members, be they complete beginners or experienced carvers.
New lady members are especially welcome as there is a real shortage of lady carvers in this area.
Friendly advice and helpful guidance is available to all, as well as tool sharpening facilities and a range of instruction books and magazines free for all members to borrow. Total beginners to wood carving will be given help, advice and expert guidance from more experienced carvers and
you can try out your new hobby by using the clubs tools, before committing to buy your own equipment.

Free tea, coffee and biscuits are provided throughout the day, and a 'pie and peas' lunch is available for a small fee. There is also a members raffle at every meeting, and a FREE buffet lunch at Christmas for all members. see below for Xmas 2023
If you are looking for a new hobby
then why not come and join us.

The club exhibits and demonstrates at several local shows and events throughout the year, including The Great Yorkshire Show.

Membership is just £60 per year (or pro rata) usually paid by direct bank transfer.
So why not come along, borrow our chisels and give it a try.
For more information, or to arrange a free informal visit, please use the contact link
Email us direct at : wooldalecarvers@gmail.com
Phone : Mick Weston 07710 652705
Better Still
why not just drop in for a cuppa and to see what we do.
We are always happy to answer ANY questions you may have relating to woodcarving
You will be most welcome
Don't forget to also check out our Facebook page
Please note that the Community Centre is Wheel Chair Friendly Click on Logo for more information